This is to remind administrators involved in admissions and on course registration of the dates for student registration and the importance of marking the University Card Form as Sent/Release to Card Office in eVision. In addition, this is also to provide hints and tips and to remind you of resources available as further background information on the registration process.
Registration window for Michaelmas 2022
The registration window opens for new and returning students and staff on 1st September and closes for students on Friday 14th October. Colleges and Departments can continue to register students up to Friday 28th October.
Why is it important to make the Card Form as Sent/Release to Card Office in eVision?
If the Card Form is not marked as sent ('Release to Card Office' for undergraduate admissions and 'Send Card Form' for graduate applications) in eVision, this will delay the creation of the student's on-course record (Applicant Transfer or ATR). Applicant Transfer must be completed before the University Card and Single Sign-On details for registration can be generated. It takes a minimum of three nights from when a student's University Card form is processed in eVision to their Single Sign On (SSO) being issued in order for them to log onto IT facilities. By making sure you have marked the card form as sent in eVision you are ensuring that this process doesn't take longer than it needs to.
What do I need to check I've done?
• Mark the Card Form as sent - Once your applicant has fulfilled their conditions and you have sent the Card Form to your applicant, please make sure you mark the Card Form as Sent/Release to Card Office in eVision too.
• Act upon any issues - If you receive a message that an on-course record cannot be generated (e.g. because a condition is outstanding) then aim to rectify the issue promptly.
• No School or University email address - Encourage applicants to update their email addresses from school or university addresses before they return their Card Form.
Background information on the registration process
For more detailed information on the registration process please see the registration process diagram and related FAQs that can be found on the IT Services help pages.
For more user guides with information on marking the Card Form as Sent/Release in eVision please see the Training pages on our website.
If you have any further questions or require further guidance please contact the Student Systems Support Centre.