eVision training

The Student Systems Support Centre (SSSC) provides eVision training for staff for some eVision permissions which training before access can be released. For training requirements not listed here or for any other queries please contact the Student Systems Support Centre.



The FAQs below are to provide you with guidance regarding eVision training since 2020.

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Yes, you can still look a place on a training course in CoSy. Please book onto the eVision training courses (see the 'Courses' tab on this webpage) at least a few days in advance of the course to ensure that you a secure a place. 

If you have a new starter and you want to secure a place for them, please email studentsystems.training@admin.ox.ac.uk and a placeholder booking will be made for you. 

No, please do not go to the training rooms at Banbury Road. Instead any scheduled training courses will be carried out using Microsoft Teams.

The trainer will send you a meeting invitation to join a Teams meeting at the scheduled course time.  At the course start time the trainer will be on hand to help you get your audio and microphones checked and will guide you through the training session as if we were all in the same room together. This will include a presentation, shared screens and the option to have a practice in the training environment. To access the training environment you will need to have your VPN access set up.  

Please make sure that you have the ability to hear audio so that you can hear the trainer's and other delegates' voices. Ideally this would be via a headset, but speakers can be used if necessary. In order to fully participate in the session having access to a microphone is highly recommended. In order to make sure you can practice, please make sure you have VPN access set up too. 

To gain access to some areas of eVision training needs to be completed first. Please therefore book onto the eVision training courses (see the 'Classroom Courses' tab on this webpage) at least a few days in advance of the course to ensure that you a secure a place in exactly the same way you would do if you were booking onto a face-to-face classroom course. The other step in getting access is for your Information Custodian to submit an access request for you. Please see this web page on how to get access to eVision

How to book a course

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Booking a course is easy using the CoSy course booking system. Simply choose the training course you wish to book from the Courses tab above and 'Click to book a place'. A list of scheduled course dates will be displayed. You will require your Single Sign-On details to access CoSy.

If you are booking for a new starter or on behalf of someone else then please contact Student Systems Training so that a placeholder booking can be made for you.


Current courses are taking place online via MS Teams. See the FAQ tab.

Student Systems offer training for colleges, department and faculties and other users within UAS. The available courses can be found under the headings below.

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Course Duration Description Format Booking
College Graduate Admissions in eVision 3.5 hrs Description MS Teams Book
College Records: Members, Groups and Collections using eVision 3.5 hrs Description MS Teams Book
College Undergraduate Admissions: Single Certificate Verification in eVision 30 mins Description eLearning Enrol
College Undergraduate Admissions: Results Matching and Confirmation in eVision 1 hr Description eLearning Enrol


Course Duration Description Format Booking
UAB Graduate Admissions in eVision 7.5 hrs Description MS Teams Book
UAB Graduate Admissions in eVision: 2 Part

1 x 4 hrs and

1 x 3.5 hrs

Description MS Teams Book
UAB Graduate Admissions in eVision: Read-only 3.5 hrs Description MS Teams Enquire
UAB Graduate Admissions in eVision: Intense/Refresher 3.5 hrs Description MS Teams Book
Department Undergraduate Admissions 40 mins Description eLearning Book


Course Duration Description Format Booking
Graduate Admissions: Quick and Individual Application Processing 3.5 hrs Description MS Teams Enquire



Student Systems offer a limited number of videos demonstrating eVision functionality.

Click the Enrol button to access the relevant training guidance video.

Please Note. There has been an update to the eVision homepage which is not yet reflected in the below eLearning demonstrations. This update will be made soon.


Name Duration Description Format Enrol
Undergraduate Admissions: Confirmation and A-level week for Colleges 1 hour Video aimed at guiding College Admissions Officers through the Undergraduate Admissions steps in eVision for Confirmation in A-level week. Further information. Online Enrol
Undergraduate Admissions: Confirmation and A-level week for Departments 40 mins Video aimed at guiding Department Admissions Coordinators through the Undergraduate Admissions steps in eVision for Confirmation in A-Level week. Further information. Online Enrol
Undergraduate Admissions: Post Offer process and verification of qualifications (for colleges) 30 mins Video aimed at guiding College Admissions Officers through the Undergraduate Admissions steps in eVision leading up to A-Level week. Further information. Online Enrol
Fee Schedule Training 45 mins The purpose of this online course is to guide you through the processes of raising a query and verifying student fees.  Further information. Online Enrol
On Course Applications Video for Academics  30 mins Video aimed at supervisors, colleges, Department Reviewers and the Medical Sciences Board. Further information.  Online Enrol
Overall Marks and Rankings 30 mins Video aimed at helping Exam Board Administrators utilise the system for uploading Overall Marks and Rankings. Further information. Online Enrol



Current courses are taking place online via MS Teams. See the FAQ tab.


Terms and Conditions

In these terms and conditions:

  • "SSSC" means Student Systems Support Centre
  • "Courses Office" means the ITLC Courses Office at IT Services
  • "Applicant" means an individual who has submitted a booking form for a course
  • "Participant" means an individual who has a confirmed place on a course
  • "Booking form" means the booking form in the online course booking system
  • "In Writing" means by letter/email/fax
  • SSSC courses can be booked by all current members of Oxford University.
  • Applicants should complete the online booking form.
  • Applicants must ensure that they have attained any prerequisite knowledge and completed any pre-course activities as set out in the course description.
  • At the time of booking applicants, must confirm that they agree to our terms and conditions.
  • If a course is full applicants can join a waiting list. Applicants should cancel their waiting list place if at any stage it is no longer required.
  • Applicants will be contacted by email if a place becomes available. Places sometimes become available at short notice due to late cancellation by participants. We are aware, and regret, that last minute notification of a course place may not be helpful to all.
  • Acknowledgement of the booking and joining instructions will be sent via email to the address attached to the participant's Oxford Single Sign On.
  • There is no charge for SSSC courses. 
  • If at any stage a participant finds that he/she cannot attend a course the course place must be cancelled. Ideally, at least three full working days' notice should be given as this gives another applicant enough notice to attend.
  • Course places must be cancelled online
  • Even if a participant finds they cannot attend at the last minute, he/she must still contact the courses office as we can often still fill the place. In these circumstances, please contact us.
  • On occasion, unforeseen circumstances may require the SSSC to cancel a course. In such circumstances the course providers will give as much notice as possible and endeavour to organise another course date. 
  • If a participant fails to attend a course then their training record will display this as a 'no show'.
  • Transfers and substitutions are not normally possible. Participants should cancel a place and rebook. If in doubt please contact us.

Participants can manage their bookings entirely online using their My Courses. The following features are available:

  • Check courses you have booked and status of booking (confirmed/waiting list)
  • Cancel a booking
  • History of course attendance
  • An online record of course bookings is available in My Courses.
  • A certificate will be emailed after the course. The certificate of attendance can be used as part of an attendee's personal development portfolio as a record of skills development.
  • It is the responsibility of course participants to ensure that records of their course attendance are obtained before they leave the University as it is not always possible to supply these retrospectively.
  • Any eVision or other student systems related access requiring training will be granted only on the course being satisfactorily completed.
  • The location of each course is listed in the schedule section of the course description and in the confirmation and reminder emails
  • Participants should arrive 15 minutes prior to the advertised start time. This will ensure you have sufficient time to book in.
  • Courses start promptly at the advertised time. If a participant is delayed we ask that he/she contact SSSC Training to advise us.
  • If a participant arrives late they may be unable to fully participate in the course, will need to rebook.
  • If a participant is unable to stay for the duration of the course this must be discussed with the teacher.
  • Refreshments and lunch are not provided unless stated. There is however a refreshment area close to the Thames Suite lecture rooms at IT Services where there are hot and cold drink and snack vending machines. Facilities at other training venues vary. For more information please contact the training provider.
  • Note: no eating or drinking is permitted in the Thames Suite IT rooms.
  • We cannot accept responsibility for any items lost or mislaid on University premises. Any items found in the course registration area or Thames Suite rooms will be taken to lost property at Reception.
  • Unless stated in the course description, each participant will be provided with a computer with appropriate software and settings. If students are required to bring their own laptop/install software this will be stated in the course description. For courses where a class computer is provided, we recognise that participants may prefer to bring their own computer.
  • See the ITLC T&Cs BYOD for further information.
  • Participants are asked to complete an online evaluation survey in the classroom at the end of the course. In some instances the evaluation may be emailed to the participant after the course to allow feedback to be submitted.
  • Participants must adhere to the University's health and safety procedures and policies.
  • Smoking is not allowed in any part of the building.
  • Any personal details provided to the course providers will be processed in accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the University's Privacy Policy. They will be recorded on the course booking system and database and not used for any other purpose than enabling us to organise the SSSC training programme and for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
  • For more information about our privacy policy and how we use data gathered via this website please read the IT Learning Centre privacy policy.
  • Oxford University takes copyright seriously. Some of our materials are available under an open educational resource licensing agreement, but others are not. Before reusing or distributing any of our materials please contact us.
  • Participants must not record courses without prior consent of the teacher and the course providers.

System Availability

eVision Dataviews and Reports unavailable Tuesday 25th March from 7am to 9am

Dataviews and other Microsoft reports within eVision will be unavailable on Tuesday 25th March from 7am to 9am while essential changes. Note that this outage only impacts Dataviews and Reports therefore eVision will otherwise be available. Please see the Notices Page for further information.


Contact us

Student Systems

01865 (2)84848

Opening Hours: 
08:30 - 17:00 Mon - Fri
(excluding bank holidays & fixed closure days)