Getting help with OxCORT

Please note that the OxCort system that is currently in a read only mode will be permanently switched off from Wednesday 31st August. The OxCort website will also be decommissioned shortly afterwards. If you require access to historical reports please contact the relevant college office.

OxCort has now been replaced by the Teaching Management Systems (TMS). For further information on TMS please visit the TMS webpage.


System Availability

eVision and SITS:Vision unavailable Tuesday 10th December from 7am to 9am

eVision (including Student Self Service and Graduate Applicant Self Service) and SITS:Vision will be unavailable on Tuesday 10th December from 7am to 9am while essential maintenance is undertaken. Please see the Notices page for further information. 


Contact us

Student Systems
01865 (2)84848

Opening Hours: 
08:30 - 17:00 Mon - Fri
(excluding bank holidays & fixed closure days)