Academic Support : All Pages
- Picture Credits
- Home
- Communicating with students
- About the Academic Administration Division
- Careers support for students
- Student records
- Support statistics
- Improvements
- Our Services
- Supported systems
- Guidance for IT Officers
- System notices
- Logins
- Getting help with eVision
- Systems help
- Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR) in eVision
- Student Welfare and Support Services
- Counselling services
- Link Counsellor Programme
- How reporting works in GSR
- GSR overview of access
- Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR) FAQs
- Making a referral
- College Records in eVision
- Sport for students
- Student support and experience
- Careers support for alumni
- Pre-arrival information
- Alumni support
- Alumni Relations Office
- Student data
- Governance and policy
- Progression process
- University Card and Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Student Systems
- Student visas and immigration for offer holders
- Which type of visa?
- Undergraduate admissions
- Admissions
- Graduate admissions
- Pre-sessional courses
- Disability Advisory Service
- Annual preparations
- Matriculation
- College counsellors
- Transcripts
- Student records
- Data cleansing exercises and progression process
- Changes Between Full-time and Part-time Study
- Continuing Education
- New Courses and major changes to courses
- Course Information
- Distance Learning Award-bearing PGT Courses
- Examinations and assessment framework (EAF)
- Paid Work Guidelines for Oxford Graduate Students
- Part-time Graduate Provision
- Code of practice on the Students' Union
- Providing Education with Others
- Getting access to student systems
- Getting access to eVision
- Information Custodians
- Student Engagement and Representation
- University Awards Framework
- University strategy for Postgraduate Research Student Development
- Undergraduate Learning and Teaching
- Use of Third Party Proof-readers
- The Role of the director of graduate studies
- Policy and guidance on research degrees
- Student visas and immigration for current students
- Section 1 - Admissions
- Section 2 - Requirements for Study
- Section 3 - Induction
- Section 4 - Supervision
- Section 5 - Responsibilities of the student
- Section 6 - Researcher development (skills training)
- Section 7 - Examination
- Annex A: Graduate induction in departments: examples of good practice
- Annex B: Integrated theses: guidance for divisional boards
- Annex C: Adjustments for disability: guidance for Directors of Graduate Studies
- Postgraduate Taught Courses
- Statistics and Reporting
- 1. Responsibility for the course
- Postgraduate taught courses: admissions
- Postgraduate taught courses: requirements for study
- Postgraduate taught courses: induction
- Postgraduate taught courses: teaching and learning
- Postgraduate taught courses: responsibilities of the student
- Postgraduate Taught Courses: Assessment
- Postgraduate Taught Courses: complaints and appeals
- Postgraduate Taught Courses - Graduate induction in departments: examples of good practice
- Quality assurance
- Quality assurance governance
- Procedures for the Annual Monitoring of Courses
- External examiners
- Departmental reviews
- External quality assurance
- Collaborative arrangements
- Professional bodies
- Examination entry
- ATAS: Academic Technology Approval Scheme
- Examiner appointments and payments
- eVision training
- Examination adjustments
- eVision User Guides and Quick Reference Guides (QRGs)
- Research student exams
- Learning a language
- Counselling
- Sexual Harassment and Violence
- Confidentiality
- SITS:Vision User Guides
- Disability Lead and Disability Coordinator
- Divisional Offices
- Student Union
- Proctors' Office
- Students
- Libraries
- Dispensations
- Joint Panel on Remission of Fees
- Medical evidence and certificates
- Fitness to Study
- Office of the Independent Adjudicator
- Appeals
- Casework
- Complaints
- Academic appeals, complaints and conduct
- Version Information
- Divisional postgraduate research handbooks
- Accessibility
- Cookies and privacy
- Committees and panels
- Mailing list policy
- Systems Unavailable
- Getting help with SITS:Vision
- eVision known issues
- Student Route (Student visa)
- Student Systems eVision FAQs
- List of Information Custodians
- SITS: Vision Upgrade
- Getting help with OxCORT
- Getting help with Oracle Service Cloud (OSC)
- Orientation information for new students
- Data Protection (eVision)
- Getting access to SITS:Vision
- Behaviour after Examinations
- Social Media guidance
- About disability
- The Equality Act
- Disability support advice
- Making changes to individual student records
- Education Policy Projects
- Access and Participation Plan
- Teaching Excellence Framework
- Graduate Access
- News
- Trashing: What a Waste
- 300 state-school students supported at UNIQ Spring residential
- Revised arrangements for orientation events for International and European (non-UK) students
- Getting access to Tableau Server
- Events
- Academic Registrar's Briefing Trinity term 2019
- Visiting and Recognised Students
- Complaints and appeals review
- Other complaints
- Extensions
- Student statistics
- Research student examinations
- System Availability
- AAD News Alert
- Changing College
- Residing outside the University limits and changing colleges
- Residing outside the University limits
- Meetings and events
- Childcare: Student Maternity, Extended Paternity and Adoption Leave
- Peer Support Programme
- Matriculation - June ceremony information
- Professional Services Conference - save the date and get involved
- Student Registry Orientation for new staff
- Student Registry Orientation for new and current staff
- Student Registry Orientation new staff
- Student Registry Orientation for new and current staff
- Data quality - maintaining student records
- Oxford communications survey for students
- Trinity Term Graduate Supervision Report (GSR) reporting window
- Reminder to record scholarships on eVision
- Getting help with EAP
- New survey for final year undergraduates
- Introduction of course fees – updates to on-course information
- Overall Marks and Ranking - availability to students
- Oxford Essentials Programme 2019
- A to Z of policies and guidance
- Change to research student examination submissions
- Student Protection Plan
- Degree Ceremonies
- Parks College – update on admissions
- Student Handbook to be digital for 2019/20
- Exam Board for 2019/20 academic cycle
- Supporting talented black applicants through Target Oxbridge
- Student assessments
- Information Security and Data Protection
- Oxford’s Access and Participation Plan approved
- Brexit advice for students
- Student Registration for Michaelmas term now open
- Student Information launches podcasts for new international students
- Academic Appeals
- Student Conduct
- Centre for Teaching and Learning goes live
- Contextual data training course and admissions training
- Oxford for Oxford – Making History workshop
- Oxford Teaching Innovation Forum: share and discuss innovative teaching initiatives
- AI in Education: Event series in Michaelmas term
- Update to student record retention policy
- EAP Payments systems going live
- Cyber Essentials certification
- Getting Access to EAP
- WebLearn and Turnitin courses in Michaelmas term
- Recording examination board meeting dates in eVision
- Reporting of late or missing assessment submissions
- Launch of fee verification process
- Postgraduate Taught, Recognised and Other Degree Students
- Committees
- Graduate Studies Administration
- The Student Support Plan
- Roles and responsibilities
- Colleges, departments and faculties
- Disability Lead and Disability Coordinator
- Disability Advisory Service
- Students
- Student Union and Student Advisory Service
- Academic staff
- Libraries
- Disabled Students Allowance
- Implementing a Student Support Plan
- Transition to University
- Examinations and assessments
- Encouraging student disclosure
- Sharing disability-related information
- Supporting the student journey
- Useful Resources for Graduate Studies Administration
- Accessibility statement for the University of Oxford – UAS websites on the Oxford Mosaic platform
- New limits on postgraduate research students reinstatement
- Student Barometer survey now open
- Confidentiality and sharing information
- The Student Support Plan
- Data Protection and Information Security
- Information Security & Data Protection Training
- Security Breaches - What to do
- Academic Administration Division - Staff contacts
- Graduate admission applications up from 2018
- Using Student Data
- Suspension of studies
- Research students
- Examination board meetings and reporting
- Understanding disability
- Disability confidence: a directory of training resources
- Implications for study
- Data security relating to examinations and assessments
- Careers Service
- The Common Framework for supporting disabled students
- Anticipatory duty
- Accessible and inclusive teaching
- Examples of good practice
- Revised administrative processes for carry forward of assessment marks
- Graduate Admissions Office now 'Graduate Admissions and Recruitment'
- Recognised, Visiting and other student forms for 2021/22 entry
- Academic Registrar's Briefing - Hilary 2020
- Monitoring the student experience
- Reasonable adjustments to teaching
- Sign up for the Academic Registrar's Briefing
- Study abroad, field trips and placements
- Accessible communication
- Assistive technology
- Key concepts: Reasonable adjustments and inclusivity
- Glossary
- Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)
- Admissions
- Building adjustments and access
- Fitness to study, complaints and appeals
- Visiting, non-matriculated and international students
- Data security
- Health and wellbeing
- Infectious diseases
- Oxford networks and training
- Supporting students with mental health disabilities
- External training, networks and mailing lists
- The Research Student Career (2)
- Student course transfer arrangements
- Consumer Protection Compliance
- Supporting disabled students
- HESA financial support data
- What to do if you are worried about a student
- About this guide
- Sign up for the Academic Registrar's Briefing: Long Vacation
- A level results and communications embargo period
- Exam Regulations webpages migration
- Course and assessment setup
- Data security, support and archiving
- In-person exams
- Non-appearance, mitigating circumstances and transcription
- Exam marking, results and ranking
- Planning for teaching and learning that retains the most valued aspects of the Oxford experience
- Assessment entry
- Academic Support website: please share your views
- Guidance on teaching remotely to students abroad
- Revised guidance on Lecture Capture recordings
- Overall Marks and Ranking - Key Facts
- Processing of University card forms and Single Sign On details for new graduate students
- Degree outcomes statement
- Testing for COVID-19' - Early Alert Service now open for all staff
- Exam guidance for Michaelmas term 2020
- COVID-19 Response: Protect our community. Protect the vulnerable. Protect yourself
- Advance notice: COVID-19 Hardship Fund for Students
- Introduction of a new COVID-19 Student Responsibility Agreement
- Using the new Flexible and Inclusive Teaching Pathways to support students in changing circumstances
- New online consent programme
- New COVID-19 student hardship fund to launch at the start of Michaelmas term
- Accessibility Statement: eVision
- Accessibility Statement: Graduate Application Form
- New inclusive teaching course for teaching staff
- Expectations of Teaching and Assessment in Michaelmas Term 2020
- Give us your feedback on UAS websites
- Visiting Students
- New guidance on teaching with face coverings
- Statement on the overall Oxford student experience in 2020-21
- Register for the Academic Registrar's Briefing: Michaelmas term update
- Academic Registrar's Briefing - Michaelmas 2020
- Plans for Trinity term 2021 examinations and assessments
- Teaching space: arrangements for Hilary term
- Michaelmas term 2020 data cleansing schedule
- New course launched: tutorial teaching in the sciences at Oxford
- Disability Advisory Service (DAS) Student Support Plans (SSPs) now on eVision
- Student health campaign: Stop the spread. Protect our community
- The role of the Disability Advisory Service
- New online guide launched for supporting disabled students
- Undergraduate admissions tests and interviews
- Teaching space: arrangements for Hilary term
- End of term and Christmas vacation arrangements
- More information published about the Mental Health Task Force
- Michaelmas Term Teaching and Learning Survey
- Graduate application deadline
- Teaching Unit Management System (TUMS)
- Update on end of term arrangements for students
- Updated guidance on lecture capture recordings
- Student Barometer survey with new COVID-19 questions now open
- Examinations update: Hilary and Trinity term 2021
- Teaching space: cancellation of bookings at the start of Hilary Term due to the later return of students
- Degree certificate ordering service reopened
- Remote invigilation for candidates unable to attend in-person exams
- Oxford and the EU: Information for students
- Latest COVID-19 information for students
- Teaching remotely in Hilary term
- Updated health messaging for students and staff
- Guidance on taught students taking part in project work
- Bodleian libraries update
- The return of students in Hilary term
- Academic mitigations for students
- Online exams - retired
- Staff and Student feedback channels reopened for Hilary term
- University Continuation Charge grace period extended for Hilary term
- Asymptomatic testing pilot launched for staff
- Undergraduate Admissions Handbook
- Open-book exams in Trinity term 2021
- Expectations of Teaching and Assessment in Hilary term 2021
- Oxford Teaching Ideas: Practical Oxford-specific teaching resources
- COVID-19 Scholarship Extensions Fund – next round of applications
- Residency requirements in Trinity term
- Exams and assessment update
- Vice-Chancellor's Update for Academic Staff
- Reminder: staff and student Hilary term feedback channels still open
- UNIQ and Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarships application launch
- Exam adjustments for Hilary and Trinity term 2021
- e-Assessment – Online Open-Book Exams – Key Facts
- Arrangements for students for the remainder of the academic year
- Easter vacation information
- Health advice for students
- Easter vacation update
- COVID-19 Scholarship Extensions Fund – third round open
- Applications
- Application data
- Systems
- Student travel over the Easter vacation
- Contingency planning for in-person exams
- Degree ceremonies update
- Courses and Colleges
- Contextual Data
- Update on Trinity term testing
- Reopening outdoor sports facilities for students
- Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach: first digital prospectus launched
- Non-standard applications
- UCAS Weblink
- Tableau
- Other systems
- Admissions timelines
- Shortlisting
- Decision processing
- Guidance & policies
- Resources
- Written work
- Interviews
- In-person teaching in Trinity term
- Updated advice for staff and students who are clinically extremely vulnerable
- Bodleian Libraries update
- Offers
- Withdrawals
- Post-offer
- Confirmation
- Admissions Coordinator
- Competition & Markets Authority
- Statistics
- About UAO
- Contacts Lists
- Resources for managing enquiries
- Admissions Officers
- Glossary of terms
- A-Z Index
- Advice about students returning to Oxford
- COVID-19 testing for students: Get tested twice, then twice a week
- Call for short presentations: Teaching and Learning Showcase
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): examinations and assessments advice
- Symptom-free testing: prize draws for students
- Vaccine information now available for students
- Educational visits within the UK– new guidance issued
- Arriving in the UK: updated testing and quarantine advice
- COVID health advice for students
- Tips for preparing students for exams
- Arrangements for students after 17 May
- Student feedback channel reopened for Trinity term
- Arrangements from 17 May - information for students
- LFD Collect tests available from week of Monday 24 May
- Opportunity Oxford
- CARE: Consideration And respect for Room-based Exams
- Disability and welfare
- Student feedback reminder
- ‘LFD Collect’ tests available from Tuesday 25 May
- Vaccine information for students
- Update on planning for Michaelmas term 2021
- New resources for international applicants and offer holders
- Guidance on in-person teaching with face coverings
- Ceremonies
- Contact
- Astrophoria Foundation Year
- eVision
- LFD testing and self-isolation if students or staff have symptoms
- Updated guidance on international travel
- Campaign reminder: Stop trashing. Protect the community.
- Student Data Quality Policy
- Temporary vaccination centres open for student and staff
- Initial information for students about the next academic year
- Inspera experience survey for staff and students
- Tests
- English Language Qualifications
- Applicant Feedback
- Share your views on AAD communications
- Search the UAO Handbook
- Updated COVID-19 advice for students and staff
- Update on arrangements after 19 July
- Update for students and offer holders about the next academic year
- Academic transition support package introduced for 2021/22 academic year
- A-level results day and UCAS embargo
- Teaching Management System
- Undergraduate admissions update
- TMS Access and Roles
- Updated health messaging for students
- Launch of the Academic Transition Support package
- Black Academic Futures Scholarships for 2022-23 entry
- New Teaching Management System (TMS) is now live
- Inclusivity resources created to help support disabled students
- Drop-in sessions this week for managing Inspera coursework submissions
- AAD News Alert archive
- Face coverings in University buildings
- Encouraging students to report LFD results
- COVID-19 health advice reminders
- TMS Quick Start Guide for Offices
- COVID-19 teaching and learning advice updated
- Register for the Academic Registrar's Briefing: Wednesday 17 November
- Student vaccination survey
- Student Fees and Funding
- Student vaccination survey
- COVID-19 Scholarship Extensions Fund closing
- Graduate Admissions and Funding handbook: access section now available
- Graduate Scholarships
- Financial Assistance
- Offer holders and Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)
- Student Vaccination Survey results announced
- Degree ceremonies update
- Attendance monitoring and change of student status
- TMS Quick Start Guide for Tutors
- View the TMS Tutor Self Help Guides
- Visa/passport copies and right to study check
- Visa training and updates
- Student Registry Christmas closure dates
- Working during and after studies
- Encouraging students to complete the Student Barometer
- Christmas vacation travel testing for students
- Current students and Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)
- Undergraduate Bursaries, Scholarships and Prizes
- Loans for UK Postgraduate and International students
- Undergraduate UK government support
- Updated health guidance for all University members
- Update on Hilary term arrangements for students
- Residency arrangements for Hilary term
- International Opportunities
- SharePoint Online Examining Sites
- Arrangements for students in Hilary term
- Updated support and webinars for teaching staff ahead of Hilary term
- Changes to testing rules
- Contact details for Fees and Funding teams
- Question sets
- Digital exams
- Town Hall consultation meetings for new Digital Education Strategy
- Update following Government plans to remove ‘Plan B’ restrictions
- Continued focus on LFD testing this term
- Policy Governing Gifts from Families of Current and Prospective students
- Notifications
- Marking in Inspera
- Columns and saved views
- Overview of Inspera
- Students reminded of the importance of continuing to keep everyone safe
- Student feedback channel now open
- UNIQ and Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship Internships 2022
- PhilAT
- Overview
- Accessibility Statement: TUMS Custom Pop-up Windows
- Update on COVID health advice
- Pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinics
- 2022 Undergraduate University Open Days
- Fees and Continuation Charges
- Continuation Charges
- Fee Liability
- Fee Rates
- Fee Schedule
- Fee Status
- Fee-related student loan processes
- Getting help with Inspera
- Invasion of Ukraine - new webpage and support for students
- Health guidance for the remainder of Hilary term
- Testing for COVID-19 before the Easter vacation
- University Staff Awards
- Non-Payment of fees
- Applicant and offer holder communications
- Updates for Trinity term exams
- Reminder about COVID-19 health advice
- University's PCR testing service to close
- Access to Inspera
- Policies
- Admitting Tutor
- Graduate admissions timetable for 2022/23 now available
- UNIQ 2022 decisions data
- Enter the Vice-Chancellor's Education Awards
- Post Confirmation
- Information requests
- Accessibility Statement: TMS
- Guidance
- Covid-19 Disruption
- Recognised students
- Registration
- Archiving & Inspera
- Student surveys
- Celebrating 10 years of internships at the United Nations
- Success with the Undergraduate Open Days
- Graduate access programmes have begun
- Increases to undergraduate bursaries from 2022-23
- Be prepared for Oxford railway station closures
- New toolkit supports racially inclusive teaching at Oxford
- Essay writing services now illegal
- Student Barometer Survey results 2021
- Staff recognised in the Vice-Chancellor's Diversity Awards
- Students help nominate Oxford's new Vice-Chancellor
- Undergraduate admissions interviews in December will remain online
- Astrophoria Foundation Year launched for under-represented students
- Scholarship launched for graduate students from Ukraine
- UNIQ and Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarships
- Reports highlight changing use of student welfare services during the pandemic
- Dr Miranda Brawn Award 2021-22
- Previewing the question set
- Educational Recordings Policy
- Training and Support
- Introduction to student surveys
- Planning a student survey
- Student Barometer survey
- National Student Survey (NSS)
- Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) and Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)
- Other surveys
- Graduate admissions cycle for 2023/24 entry open
- Educational Recordings Policy published
- Oxford Transition Support for the 2022-23 academic year
- Student report: supporting students' academic transition to Oxford
- Information for enrolling new students
- Information for new international students
- Learn new skills and help your team improve local processes
- Updated: the University’s student record retention policy
- New and returning student enrolment
- Student privacy and record retention policies updated
- Teaching staff resources for supporting new students
- Language Centre course enrolment ends 12 October
- Michaelmas 2022 data cleansing
- Oxford Against Sexual Violence
- Applications for exam adjustments in eVision
- Appointments of exam boards deadline
- New consultancy service from the Centre for Teaching and Learning
- Coursework submissions
- Academic Registrar's Briefing - Michaelmas term
- Changes to postgraduate research theses submissions
- Equality, diversity & inclusion training programme
- Oxford Transition Support review
- Updated complaints and disciplinary policies
- Staff training to support student mental health
- Change to examination advice for student illness
- Support for students during the Christmas vacation
- Degree ceremony booking opens 29 November
- Exam orientation sessions for students
- Astrophoria Foundation Year website launched
- Last chance for students to have their say
- Students encouraged to take part in Oxford's Digital Transformation programme
- Hilary term Language Centre course enrolment open
- Encourage students to take part in the National Student Survey
- Personal data breaches: prevent, report, protect
- Hilary term Academic Registrar's Briefing
- New Digital Education Strategy for Oxford
- Unauthorised use of AI in exams and assessment
- MFA security update
- Encourage students to celebrate sustainably after exams
- Supporting students' academic transitions report
- Exam Paper Guide
- Industrial action impact on examinations and assessments
- Oxford’s application for Turing Scheme funding 2023-24
- Emergency contacts for students: amended wording
- Student Welfare and Support Services reports reflect increased demand for support in 2021-22
- Graduate application fee removal – timeline and actions
- New project looking at how students from diverse backgrounds participate in learning
- Oxford survey results influence Government policy
- Update on 2023 admissions tests for undergraduate entry
- Student Fees and Funding systems review project
- Increase to undergraduate bursaries from 2023-24
- Promoting responsible and sustainable behaviour around exams
- First offers made to prospective students for Oxford’s Astrophoria Foundation Year
- Register to attend this term's Academic Registrar's Briefing
- Sign up as a volunteer for the undergraduate Open Days
- Resources for professional and personal development
- Resources to support students with revision and assessment
- A Common Approach to Student Mental Health
- National Student Survey (NSS) response rate reaches publication threshold
- Undergraduate interviews to take place online
- Marking and assessment boycott update
- UK Government proposed changes to international student visas
- Digitally Supported Inclusive Teaching Toolkit
- Maintaining student records
- Change to email for student leavers
- Language Centre to integrate with the Department for Continuing Education
- Getting Help with Research Student Examination (RTDS)
- Disability Inclusion Statement (SSP A)
- Astrophoria Foundation Year Student Systems update
- A-level results day and UCAS embargo
- Changes to Student Information team at Exam Schools
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Updated for 2023: the University’s student record retention policy
- Consent for Students: new training programme
- Welcoming new students
- Oxford awarded triple 'Gold' in the Teaching Excellence Framework
- New cohort of Astrophoria Foundation Year students welcomed
- Oxford Against Sexual Violence
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- New report on AI in academic practice
- The University's response to events in the Middle East
- The Oxford Migration Debate
- The Vice-Chancellor's Colloquium
- A reminder about harassment support
- New workshops to support teaching toolkits
- Vacation welfare support
- Mental health awareness training
- Free speech framework for student events
- Student name pronunciations now available in Canvas
- New guidance for safely using Artificial Intelligence
- AI in teaching and assessment
- UNIQ 2024 applications open
- New Hilary term sessions from the Centre for Teaching and Learning
- Oxford students recognised as 2023-24 Future Leaders
- Advice for students and sessions for staff on the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools in academic practice
- Co-directorship of Student Welfare and Support Services announced
- Racially Inclusive Teaching Toolkit workshops available to book
- International student updates
- Update on undergraduate admissions test provider
- NSS 2024 opening soon
- Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week
- Student Digital Voice
- Have your say in shaping new student-staff partnerships toolkit
- Student Welfare and Support Services reports show demand remained high in 2022-23
- Target Oxbridge continues to support access to Oxford
- Register for a Student Registry orientation session
- Fees for students continuing study in 2024–25
- New Harassment Advisors ready to support you
- Supporting neurodivergent students
- Academic Support: Use of cookies on this website
- Contact details for the Student Assessments team
- MyOxford student app pilot
- Celebrate Sustainably and CARE campaigns
- Postgraduate experience surveys now live
- Safety and support from a Safe Lodge
- Vice-Chancellor's Colloquium celebrated
- Exam paper archive migrating from OXAM to SOLO
- Staff blog: University Parks parkrun for everyone
- Vice-Chancellor's Awards winners announced
- Updated undergraduate outreach privacy policy
- Annual Admissions Statistical Report published
- Access and Participation Plan submitted
- Reflections on Astrophoria's first year
- Have your say in the Student Voices staff survey
- Staff harassment support and reporting
- MyOxford app getting ready for launch in Michaelmas
- Oxford traffic filters briefing for University staff
- UCAS embargo and results days
- Expansion of Crankstart financial support
- National Student Survey 2024 results
- Student Registry Orientation
- MyOxford student app launches next week
- Graduate admissions cycle for 2025-26 entry opens this week
- Inclusive student life guidance shared with students
- Student Privacy Policy updated
- Proposed Changes to Statute XI
- AAD senior appointments
- Digital education experience student feedback channel
- Pre-arrival student survey outcomes
- Statute XI amendments working group terms of reference
- UNIQ 2025 applications open
- Academic skills provision knowledge exchange event on 14 January
- Update on Statute XI
- Enter the Vice-Chancellor's Awards
- New Student Surveys Network and 2023-24/2024-25 surveys update
- MyOxford Student App
- Update to guidance on confidentiality in student welfare
- Applications open for new teaching recognition scheme
- Sign up for the Empowering Oxford Educators workshop on 9 April
- Exam adjustments and problems completing assessments
- Financial Declaration Form - Online Process