TMS Quick Start Guide for Offices

If you previously used OxCORT, you may find it useful to refer to the OxCORT task name. The TMS task name also includes the navigation path in TMS (in brackets).

You may also wish to refer to the College Office Information Guide (PDF) and Department Office Information Guide (PDF), Self-Help guides (to search for from within TMS) which will support you in the completion of that task, or to relevant FAQs. 

If using TMS for the first time, and unfamiliar with OxCORT, it is important to familiarise yourself with Glossary and Roles. Further information can be found on the Teaching Management System page. 

How do I?

OxCort Task TMS Tasks Further Information
Non-standard payment amounts 

Create Local payment rates 

(Payments=>Local Payment rates for Org Unit=>Add Local Payment rate- based on global weighting schemes or global payment rates) 

Self Help guides 

  • Create a local payment rate based on a Global Payment Rate for a specific academic year  

  • Create a local payment rate based on a Global Weighting Scheme for a specific academic year 


See College Information guide or Department Information guide, section 4.4 Payment rates and weighting. 


OxCort Task TMS Tasks Further Information
Authorise Tutors 

Authorisation to teach 

(People=>Tutors and Organisers=>Search for tutor=>Click authorise to teach or pen icon to re-authorise) 

Authorise a person to teach until a specified date. This date can be changed at any point (e.g. to re-authorise them or to bring forward their expiry date). You cannot set an Authorisation date in the past.  


Self Help guides 

  • Authorise a tutor to teach for the first time  

  • Re-authorise a tutor to teach following expiry of previous authorisation. 


Can a tutor be a non-University (external) tutor (FAQ) 

Can Students be authorised as tutors in TMS (FAQ) 

OxCort Task TMS Tasks Further Information
Authorise Tutors  Authorisation to teach 

Authorisation includes recording some key Right to Work details. TMS is not a Right to Work monitoring system; however, it will improve the visibility of information about a tutor at the time they were authorised to teach. Please see further guidance from the Staff Immigration Team. 

RTW completed by another Department or College (FAQ) 

OxCort Task TMS Tasks Further Information
Authorise Tutors 

Authorisation to teach 


Teaching Org Unit Profile 

(People=>Tutors and Organisers=>Search for tutor=>Click Add Org Unit Profile) 

TMS Management Committee maintain APNTF details once per term using information extracted from PeopleXD.   

The user must be authorised to teach prior to the Management Committee setting up their APNTF profile. You can authorise them to teach and select a temporary Tutor Category and payment method for them if you choose to set up their teaching profile at the same time. 

When the APNTF profile is activated, their tutor category and payment method on their department teaching profile will default to APNTF. 

If you need them to have the option to Pay by APNTF they will need to have a Teaching Org Unit Profile for their APNTF department(s). 

OxCort Task TMS Tasks Further Information
(No equivalent, tutors used to add their own profile)  Teaching Org Unit Profile 

If you need your tutor to have the option to Pay my College/Department (stint) you will need to set up a Teaching Org Unit Profile for them. If the person is self-employed, you don’t need to set up a Teaching Org Unit Profile with your college/department. 


There are three types of Org Unit profile, one each for Teaching, Organising (for Organising Tutors and Course Administrators) and Pastoral. If you wish an Organising Tutor to have responsibility for the decision on marking academic reports as ‘Accepted’ then they will also need to be assigned the Organising Tutor with approval permission role. A user can have multiple Org Unit profile types at one or more Org Units.  


See the Roles webpage. 

OxCort Task TMS Tasks Further Information
Manage stint data  Teaching Org Unit Profile 

Self Help guides 

  • Create a new/Add another Tutor Stint 

  • Adjust Tutor Stint 

OxCort Task TMS Tasks Further Information
Arrange Tutorials

Create student group 

(Organising=>Student Groups=>Add Student Group) 

Before your Course Administrator can arrange teaching, you’ll need to link them to their students via a student group 

Self Help guides 

  • Create manual student group 

  • Create dynamic student group 

OxCort Task TMS Tasks Further Information
Arrange Tutorials Create student group 

Before your Organising Tutor can arrange teaching, you’ll need to link them to their students via a student group 


Self Help guides 

  • Create manual student group 

  • Create dynamic student group 

See Section 4.5.3 Which type of teaching arrangement to create diagram in the College Office Information guide (PDF) or Department Office Information guide (PDF).

If you would like to see PDF versions of the Tutor Self-Help Guides, then these can be found in the TMS Tutor Self Help Guides page. 

This is a new feature in TMS that allows departments to enable student sign-up for Department Teaching Events. Instead of finding and adding individual students to a Teaching Arrangement, you can set criteria, including college, programme of study and year of study, to allow certain students to sign-up for the teaching.  

You can manage attendance levels by setting capacity limits and waiting lists.  

If you decide to use student sign-up then it is the student’s responsibility to sign up for the event. Once you’ve published the event, you can’t manually add students, but once the closing date has passed you can add any students who have yet to sign-up. 

Groups still need to be created and the correct Tutor(s) must also be added to the group as well. 




System Availability

eVision and SITS:Vision "at risk" on Tuesday 25th February from 7am to 9am

eVision (including Student Self Service and Graduate Applicant Self Service) and SITS:Vision will be considered "at risk" on Tuesday 25th February from 7am to 9am while essential infrastructure work is undertaken. Please see the Notices page for further details.


Contact us

Student Systems
01865 (2)84848

Opening Hours: 
08:30 - 17:00 Mon - Fri
(excluding bank holidays & fixed closure days)