Supported systems

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eVision is the main student records system for the University of Oxford. It provides services for:

  • the administrative management of admission
  • on-course students, including;
    • enrolment of freshers
    • visa management
    • examination entry
    • examination results and transcripts
  • reviewing graduate students' academic progress, including assessing skills and training needs (GSR)
  • degree ceremonies

Getting help with eVision


Student Self Service is provided via eVision. Using Student Self Service, students can perform many administrative tasks, including: register for the new academic year, view their personal details, view examination entries and results, produce an enrolment certificate, and produce an interim transcript. Graduate students use Student Self Service for supervision reporting.

Oxford Students Website

SITS:Vision is used by central administrative teams such as Student Administration (AAD) as the main student records system for the University of Oxford.

Getting help with SITS:Vision

Teaching Management System is used by academic and administrative staff involved in undergraduate teaching in colleges and departments.

Getting help with TMS 

The Appointments element of the Examiner Appointments and Payments system is used for nominating and appointing Chairs, Examiners and Assessors for undergraduate and taught graduate degrees. From Michaelmas term 2019 the Payments element will also be available.

Getting help with EAP

Oracle Service Cloud is a web-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that provides a host of tools to support customer delivery.

Getting help with OSC

Guidance on using Inspera for exams or the submission of coursework is maintained by the Exams & Assessment team.

Getting help with Inspera

Guidance on using Research Student Examination (RTDS) is maintained by the Exams & Assessment team.

Getting help with RTDS

This system brings together information about which teaching components are offered within Oxford’s Programmes of Study in one place, for the first time, for shared use across the University. 

Getting help with TUMS

There are a number of systems that are directly related and/or dependant upon student systems, such as the University Card Database and Student Data Feed. 

System Availability

eVision Dataviews and Reports unavailable Tuesday 25th March from 7am to 9am

Dataviews and other Microsoft reports within eVision will be unavailable on Tuesday 25th March from 7am to 9am while essential changes. Note that this outage only impacts Dataviews and Reports therefore eVision will otherwise be available. Please see the Notices Page for further information.


Contact us

Student Systems
01865 (2)84848

Opening Hours: 
08:30 - 17:00 Mon - Fri
(excluding bank holidays & fixed closure days)