Getting Access to EAP

Chairs of Examiners obtain access to Examiner Appointments and Payments (EAP) when their appointments are confirmed in the EAP Portal.

Examination Board Administrators (EBAs), Senior Nominating Officers (SNOs), and Financial Countersignatories (FCs) obtain access to EAP on request via their Information Custodian, who can then assign the access via the ‘Access Request Screen’ in the EAP Portal.

  • Active EAP users are automatically included in the relevant EAP mailing lists and membership of these mailing lists is mandatory. See the Mailing List policy and the Data protection pages.

Exam Board Administrators are advised to attend a training session before accessing and using the system. Details about EAP training are on the EAP web page.  

If you are an Information Custodian seeking advice on how to update access roles in EAP, please refer to the Quick Reference Guide for Information Custodians.

In order to request access to EAP, please follow these simple steps:

What access do I need?

Please note that all EAP users will have access to Reports as appropriate to their role in EAP.

Exam Board Administrator (EBA) – Appointments and Payments
EBAs are responsible for creating the Exam Board, appointing examiners and assessors, and requesting payments for work completed by examiners and assessors. They also initiate changes to Standing Orders, and resolve any outstanding issues, such as missing Right to Work. They are the main users of the EAP portal.

Senior Nominating Officer (SNO) – Appointments
SNOs’ main responsibility is to approve nominations and changes made to Standing Order by EBAs. SNOs are assigned to departments and are responsible for approvals relating to exam boards within their department. Depending on local arrangements, an SNO may be responsible for some or all exam boards within their department

Chair of Examiners – Appointments and Payments
The Chair is responsible for approving assessor nominations and for confirming the accuracy of payment requests submitted by EBAs for all Exam Board members. Chairs only have access to Exam Boards for which they are the Chair.

Financial Countersignatory (FC) - Payments
FCs are responsible for the financial approval of payments for exam boards in their department. They have no responsibilities relating to appointments.
Proctor – Appointments
The Proctors provide academic approval, where required, for the appointment of examiners and assessors. They are able to approve, query and reject nominations.

Who is my Information Custodian?
A list of Information Custodians is available from the eVision Information Custodian page.
What should I tell my Information Custodian?
It would help your Information Custodian if you provide them with your Single Sign On (SSO), identification and the EAP role that you need access to, as well as the name of the Exam Board/s that you need access to.

You should receive a confirmation email to inform you that you now have access to the system and can and immediately log into the system.

Log into EAP and you are ready to go!

System Availability

eVision Dataviews and Reports unavailable Tuesday 25th March from 7am to 9am

Dataviews and other Microsoft reports within eVision will be unavailable on Tuesday 25th March from 7am to 9am while essential changes. Note that this outage only impacts Dataviews and Reports therefore eVision will otherwise be available. Please see the Notices Page for further information.


Contact us

Student Systems
01865 (2)84848

Opening Hours: 
08:30 - 17:00 Mon - Fri
(excluding bank holidays & fixed closure days)