Statute XI amendments working group terms of reference

1. The Working Group will review the proposed amendments to Statute XI University Discipline previously submitted to Congregation on 11 June 2024, and recommend revisions to this proposal.

2. The Working Group shall consult widely with members of academic staff and professional services, as well as students, to help inform their recommendations.

3. It shall then submit an amended legislative proposal for changes to Statute XI to Education Committee, General Purposes Committee and Council, in order for the changes to come into effect for the 2025/26 academic year.

4. The remit of the Working Group shall include consideration of the legal context within which Statute XI operates, including:

  • all relevant law, including but not limited to the Human Rights Act 1998, the Education (no. 2) Act 1986, the Equality Act 2010, as well as associated domestic and international case law; and
  • the protections and rights that this university has extended to its faculty, staff, and/ or students in previous resolutions of Congregation, including but not limited to academic freedom as defined in the Statute XII reference to the UNESCO Recommendation.

5. The Working Group should take into account sector best practice guidance from the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) and the Office for Students (“OfS”), including the requirements of the new Condition of Registration (E6) on harassment and sexual misconduct and any views of any University working group tasked with considering compliance with that Condition. 

6. The group will meet two or three times from mid-Michaelmas term 2024, and will complete its work by HT25(5). The first meeting will include discussion of the key issues that need to be addressed when drafting the revisions. The second meeting will be to review the amendments and ensure they meet the terms of the working group. If further revisions are required, the group shall meet for a third and final time to approve the changes.

7. Out of scope: staff/HR procedures, college procedures.

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