Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) and Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)

The two surveys are long running national surveys developed by AdvanceHE in consultation with the Higher Education sector. Both surveys are regularly conducted by a large number of UK universities and allow sector comparisons to all those who participate. Both surveys are enhancement led and do not form any national league tables.

At Oxford, the surveys currently run from early to mid Trinity term, alternating with the bi-annual Student Barometer (they last ran 23 April to 16 May 2024).  The surveys will not be running in Spring 2025 as the Student Barometer will be running that academic year.

PTES asks questions around teaching and learning, engagement, assessment and feedback, organisation and management and skills development.

PRES asks questions around supervision, resources, research community, progress and assessment, skills and professional development and students’ wellbeing.

Both surveys allow to add a small number of institution specific questions, e.g. about Covid-19 response or college advisors.

PTES targets PGT population and PRES targets PGR population.

PRES and PTES highlight reports are submitted to the relevant committees: Taught Degrees Panel and Research Degrees Panel. Results from both surveys will be available in the form of digital Tableau dashboards; 

Please note that you need a Tableau account setup with correct permissions to access the dashboard. To get access to Tableau, please contact your Information Custodian (a full list of Information Custodians is available on the university website). If you have a Tableau account but do not have permissions to access the report, please email explaining why you need access.

  • PRES dashboard coming December 2024

Advance HE sector-wide PTES 2023 Report

Advance HE sector-wide PRES 2023 Report

Headline results from the surveys are provided on the Student Surveys website


Note: please contact for further details on methodology and more refined analysis (eg, by demographic) if needed.

Results can't be publicly circulated until Advance HE sector-wide results are available, usually in November/December.


PRES 2023 University of Oxford and the Global Benchmark

PRES 2023 University of Oxford and the Russell Group Benchmark

PTES 2023 University of Oxford and the Sector

PTES 2023 University of Oxford and the Russell Group Benchmark

PRES 2021 Highlight report

PTES 2022 Highlight report