Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)

A Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) is used to document how people will be evacuated when they have difficulty responding to a fire alarm or escaping from a building unaided, in the event of an emergency.

PEEPs are particularly relevant for some students (or indeed staff) with mobility and/or sensory impairments (visual/hearing). Additionally, depending on the nature/severity of the impairment, in some limited circumstances it might be relevant to create a PEEP for students with other disability types. For example, severe PTSD or an autism spectrum condition where an alarm could be triggering or distressing/disorientating.

Each PEEP must be specific to the individual, their needs and the buildings which they use. It must consider the following points:

  • the individual. What is the issue and how can they be helped?
  • how will they get to a place of safety (the building assembly point)?
  • what do we need to do in terms of equipment or procedures to help them?
  • do they need help to aid their evacuation?
  • do they agree with the plan?
  • and has it been properly communicated to all involved with the plan?

Not all risk can be completely mitigated, but it can be managed by identifying areas where evacuation might be problematic, and providing the student with information, instructions and helpful points of contact.

A PEEP should be completed before the student starts their course, or at the earliest possible stage.

Further information

PEEPs: Guidance for Disability Coordinators

There are examples of PEEPs available from the Safety Office website (see 'related content')



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