
Dispensations are requests to Education Committee for the normal limits and rules set out in the Examination Regulations to be set aside for individual students, generally due to extenuating circumstances.

Education Committee’s powers in this respect are set out in Council Regulations. A dispensations application form is available to download below and should be used for all requests. Completed forms should be sent to edcapplications@admin.ox.ac.uk. Further guidance on dispensations can be found below.


Carry forward of assessment as a result of suspension of studies is no longer a dispensation from the regulations in most cases. This process is managed by the Academic Records Office where no dispensation is required and by Education Policy Support where a variation from the regulations is requested. See the detailed guidance information and form.


Applications for a declared award (DDH/DDM) are managed by Education Policy Support. Applications can be made by emailing edcapplications@admin.ox.ac.uk. Further information is available on the Declared Awards student webpage and in the Examination and Assessments Framework.

Appeals against a decision made by Education Committee

An applicant who is dissatisfied with a decision made on behalf of Education Committee may appeal against it within 14 days of the date of the decision. Further information is available here: https://academic.admin.ox.ac.uk/appeals.

Dispensations casework consultations


Education Policy Support (EPS) offers a monthly session for dispensations casework consultations. These will usually take place on the last Thursday of the month, and are intended for colleagues in divisions, departments, and colleges to speak to a member of the EPS Casework team for advice on current or potential dispensation requests. 

The slots are 20 minutes in duration, and can be booked by clicking through to the bookings page using the link below. Please book one slot per case you wish to discuss. 

Bookings can be made for the upcoming session only, via the following link:

Click here to book a slot

These slots are intended for advice and guidance, and if further detailed discussion is required appointments can be made with caseworkers by emailing the team at edcapplications@admin.ox.ac.uk

Contact us

Education Policy Support
University Offices
Wellington Square
Tel: 01865 270091