Disability support advice

The links below provide a brief, general introduction to the impact of particular categories of disability on study, considering the learning environment at Oxford. They give informal recommendations and guidance about how to support a student.

This information does not set out to give medical understanding of a condition, illness or impairment but to highlight the potential impact of a disability on study and present options for study support. However, as the impact of a disability can vary even when the diagnostic label is the same, collaboratively establishing the most effective ways of working is most likely to promote positive progress. The very best source of advice about what is useful is often the student themselves, so talking to them about how their disability affects them is an important step.

In addition to this general information, and the specific student information in the Student Support Plan, the Disability Advisory Service is always available to offer guidance in individual cases. 


Contact us:

Disability Advisory Service
3 Worcester Street
Oxford, OX1 2BX
01865 280459